A Legacy Story by Gerald Popp, Bryan/College Station Chapter

This is my favorite "hunting with my kids" picture. Have to confess up front, there aren't that many, but even if there were, this one would be hard to beat.

Probably unlike most of you Dads, or Moms, reading this, my kids didn't grow up hunting. We did a little fishing and fair amount of RVing, but little hunting. I'd like to say it was because they had so many other interests, sports, dance, band, etc.... and there is some truth in that, but looking back, maybe a bit of a workaholic Dad. That bugs me a bit.

I'm a banker and there are some things you can't do with your customers. Ends up looking like gifts that could end up looking like bribes that could end up being a bit problematic from the folks that don't understand what relationships are all about. For years, my good customer Tom said I should come hunting some weekend. Too busy and used that gift excuse. Fast forward a few years, kids are kind of grown up and Tom's loan has been paid off for a while. Out of the blue, Tom calls and invites us to go hunting. Called the kids, hunting trip was on!

Let me tell you about the picture.

The first guy is your writer/Dad. The buck by me wasn't mine, but my friend Lonnie's, Tom's business partner. First guy on the back of the pickup is our son, Jairus. I remember Jairus used to say, "Dad, guess you're disappointed I'm not your hunting/ranching/farming kid". I never was. Jairus has a gift for music and spent most of his spare time in some kind of band. It's a story for another day, but he went with our LO/Back Country Men's group on our Canada trip. I picked him up in Oklahoma City on my way north. He was dropped off by his buddies heading south on the return of their trip taking a worn-out motor home on a screamo rock band tour from Texas to Chicago and back. Young Jairus traveled a lot of miles that summer. Somewhere the outdoors deal clicked with him. Today Jairus and his fiancé Emma or buddies are always on some outdoor adventure. He's a videographer/photographer and his pictures are definitely better than mine. The 4Runner picture is his.

Next guy is Homer Guidry. At that time, future son-in-law. Homer grew up "outdoors". Enjoyed the camping part so much that he let Uncle Sam pay for a 14 month trip to Afghanistan. Lots of camping in some pretty tough spots. Some scenic, some not so. Homer was an Army Infantry Team Leader. I kind of laugh, great w/the men but maybe not so successful with his rides. Lost three Strykers to IEDS. Got a Purple Heart for that and maybe just a touch of, or at least an understanding of, PTSD. I'm thinking it just toughened him up enough to pair up with Sierra. Our LO chapter often meets in his shop in Bryan, BLISS - Block Life Industries Security Solutions. That's a blessing

The first girl in the picture is our daughter, Sierra. She is our outdoors, bug collector, blood-n-guts don't bother me young lady. Probably the most passionate hunter in the group. Hunter with can be an adventure! Some of you know her from her side gig - Dead Perfect Taxidermy Self-taught taxidermist. She will be world-class one day. The second girl, the Belgium Malinois, is Samantha.

Who the heck brings their non-hunting dog on a hunting trip? Sierra.

The story behind the picture is really about Tom and his business partner, Lonnie. They both grew up dirt poor in East Texas.

In the early 70's, Tom strikes out for California. Then, California was still a "go west young man" kind of place. He ends up in the men's shoe business. Lonnie joins him a few years later and the business becomes one of the largest independent seller of men's shoes in the San Diego area. Over the years, business evolved into real estate and a collection of different profitable ventures. Today Tom owns several thousand acres of timber and pasture lands in East Texas. Lonnie stayed in California.

Oh the stories Tom and Lonnie told the kids that night by the fire. Stories about adversity and challenges, about success and failure. Like the ribeye's we had that night, all steaks and stories are bigger and better with family, friends and a campfire.

As you can see from the picture, the next morning's hunt was pretty dang successful. I got to make up for a bit of that lost time I talked about earlier. Thankful that Tom & Lonnie gave me the opportunity on such a beautiful place. Trinity River ran through it."

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1


Big Trout Trip, by Larry Rea